Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

Shopping on a Budget : Ladies Fashion

I was never one who really spends on clothes. Discount, sale and budget were my favourite words. I don't remember when or how but I stumbled upon Kate's blogshop one day and have been going back to stare at her stock ever since.

My most recent purchase is this navy laced top which is absolute LOVE!

It's only RM 18 so I grabbed it without much thought xD

I had a tough time deciding which colour to get though.. Would have gotten 3 if it wasn't for that inner voice that told me to exercise self control =x This is GX10. I had my eye on Watermelon Red & Teal as well.

Not very clear but I'm wearing it here! Lolz I had a tube on in this pic but I can get away without one.

Some of the other stuff on her site. If you don't see it, it's probably sold out.

She measures all the clothes and they are all real pics. I love that she's really honest too. She tells me if the material is sheer or not of the best quality.


  1. angelvalerie26 May, 2012 13:07

    I managed to do COD with her last time. She's a very pretty and nice girl too. We did manage to talk a bit. Hahaha. My sister and I used to buy quite a lot from her too because my friend who recommended her site to me told me how honest she is. 

    I guess through time, nowadays, I stop doing online shopping already. Well... no time to wait and then again, nobody is at home to get the parcels. If I miss the postman, I've gotta travel all the way to Dolomite Park at Batu Caves to retrieve my parcel. 

  2. OMG...
    I really want that lace top!!!
    Do they ship internationally?

  3. Your blue lace top is really pretty! :)

  4. Some of these clothes are so cute! The dresses especially!

  5. Yeah, I hate missing parcels too. Lucky that day she was having bazaar at my college xP

  6. I'm not sure dear. Maybe you can ask Kate?

  7. Yeaaa I already wore it twice lolz

  8. all are so cute clothes..≧◠◡◠≦


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